If both Digimon used in the Jogress were being raised on the device, and are not Copymon, then you will only be left with one Digimon being raised, and an egg will be available to hatch. The second Digimon in the Jogress can be a Copymon, it does not have to be raised by you. After the 5th battle, the evoution will occur immediately. To perform a Jogress, the two Stage VI Digimon that are needed must do Tag Battles together 5 times. The sprite shown to the right indicates the specific Digimon needed to perform the Jogress. What specific Digimon is needed for a Jogress Evolution.

Stage IV Digimon still have a chance of evolution if at least 6 out of 15 battles are victories, however, you have a 100% chance of evolution with 12 out of 15 victories, so always get at least 12 to be safe. If you are not sure if you have won 12 of your 15 most recent battles, just do 15 more and make sure to win those. This means the victory percentage shown in the stat screen does not necessarily reflect victories counted toward evolution. If more than 15 battles are done with a Digimon, only the last 15 count. Digimon with this requirement must have battled a minimum of 15 times during Stage IV, battles at Stage III do not count. This indicates that 12 out of your 15 most recent battles with this Digimon must be victories in order to ensure evolution. You don't get Devimon or Meramon since they require 2 or fewer Care Mistakes, and you don't get Airdramon or Seadramon since they require 8-15 training. For example, if you have Betamon, and you get 3 care mistakes, but you train 16 times, you will get Numemon. If you raise a Digimon that doesn't meet the requirements for other evolutions, it will follow this path. It does not matter whether you Overfeed before or after getting 3 Care Mistakes If it has 2 or fewer Care Mistakes, Overfeeding is not considered. Keep in mind that Overfeeding only matters if your Stage III Digimon has 3 or more Care Mistakes. In order to Overfeed again, you must wait until it loses at least one Hunger heart. If your Digimon does not have 4 Hunger hearts, keep feeding it meat until it refuses to eat anymore. Your Digimon only has 4 Hunger hearts, but it can eat more more than four times. If I forgot how many trainings I did, I could go up to two effort hearts, just to be safe, and still fulfill the condition. The example to the left requires 5 training, which would also display as 1 Effort Heart. For example, if I did 4 trainings I would have 1 Effort Heart. You can use Effort Hearts to help keep tracking of your training, but these don't always line up exactly. In the example to the left, you must train between 5 and 15 times to fullill this condition. How many training sessions are required to evolve. For evolving into Stage VI, more than 4 care mistakes will immediately kill your Digimon when it is time for it to evolve. For evolving into Stage III or IV, if 4 Care Mistakes are indicated as working for evolution, more than 4 Care Mistakes will also work. In the example to the left, 1 care mistake is required, but 2 or 3 will also work, though 4 will not.
The number of full skulls indicates how many care mistakes are required, while half skulls indicate that a care mistake is optional. How many care mistakes are required to evolve.