Paul Hobbs Content Creation Tutorials Easy to follow tutorials for creating Trainz content NorthWesternRailwa圓D Another site home to fan-produced content, including some TV and movie routes Sodor Railways Home to. Instead, it's actually a remake when the staff created the site and claims that it is SI3D. In the middle of October 2018, Sodor Island 3D returned, but it wasn't the real website. Crovans Gate Works Home to some of the best trainz routes for Thomas fans. The post has now been taken down, but the user didn't learn his lesson. While chasing Thomas new, Diesel 10 fells down the viaduct and hits an rock which has an bomb on it and explodes. After alleged lack of respect to staff by the community, SI3D was shut down on January 27, 2018.

Is sodor island 3d down series#
Incase if anyone is wondering, don't ask me for any of there content. Sodor: The Early Years on Youtube The series in which all the models and routes on this site feature. On the Sodor Island 3d Forums, some people make little dioramas and show them off in screenshots. Although we're new, doesn't mean that we don't have good content to spare. I don't know what else to say but my sincere thanks to Sodor Island 3D and for all what they've done during the past nine years. Welcome to the Branchline Crew Here we make Trainz content from Models, Meshes, and Routes. It's a shame to see them go out like this. There model work at the time was remarkable and the best ones that replicated the TV series entierley, especially when they transformed the faces more three dimensional by The German Engine. January 31st - Sodor Island 3Ds 1st Anniversary. Diesels Sodor Island 3d Models Tabel Persamaan Ic Se268 January 31st - Sodor Island 3Ds 1st AnniversarySince Jan 28th 2009 many where upset about UKBLs models shutting down, until Scott and Rich made a new site that is still here today, the first model was James andfollowed many more, I then joined up to the team, followed by Sean, Matt and Tom. I remember being inspired by thier models and wanted to use them after seeing other people's videos in 2012 such as Streaking Steam Productions, Skarloey123 and so on. I for one am sad that this was the result but it's understandable on SI3D's part. I won't be naming the kids responsible for the matter but I am very dissapointed with them that I have blocked them after the childish responeses to people who were saying to take them down for Sean's sake because he doesn't like them anymore. Incase if anyone is wondering, Sodor Island 3D is closed due to some ungrateful brats not showing respect to the wishes of the hard working modellers by giving away past models from 2009-2010. Ever since the shutdown of Sodor Island 3D in January 2018, classic TTTE trainz content just wasnt very widely available, but I decided to change that.